Making the right card for a man can be difficult. Whether giving or receiving cards, most men seem to prefer cards that are not too feminine, not too flowery and not too plain either. So, I thought a masculine background with muted colors might work. Here are two cards I made yesterday.
card stock - black, light khaki and burnt orange
ribbon - off white raffia
stamp - Technique Tuesday Greenhouse 09-12
embossing folder - Darice
card stock - black and light khaki
Washi Tape
stamp - Rubbernecker
embossing folder - Paper Studio
Both of these cards are clean and simple and quick to make. I think most men would like either of them.
Notice the Washi tape on the second card. This is my first time using Washi tape. I love it. Costco had a revolving tray with lots of tape in different colors and patterns -- couldn't pass it up.
Are you ready for Valentine's Day?
Take care,